My Weight Loss Challenge
But for me, following a raw food diet was expensive and too time consuming. I had to go to the shops often, and then prepare salads or smoothies, and cook for my children separate meals.
I loved the idea, but I could not follow it forever. I somehow was led to Dr John McDougall and started following the starches and greens diet.
I then realized that I always ate without oil when I was single. I had weight issues since I was young, and so I decided I did not need oil in my cooking. Of course I was criticized for not knowing how to cook. They were right, I did not know how to cook the way everyone cooked.
But when I got married and started to cook from recipes, then I follow the recipes, because they knew how to cook. Well that was a bad choice. I started eating oil. Still, I think I ate less oil than many people. I never fried food, and I always put less oil than what the recipe said.
I started proper McDougal sometime in June last year, but I am afraid I was not 100% strict. I did not eat meat. Chocolate ice cream and chocolate were my weakness. If I went to someone’s house, and if I felt bad about not eating their food then I had some (never with meat).
I got stricter at the beginning of this year, but I still cheated with chocolate. I dropped the ice cream few months ago.
But I am still an emotional eater. I really am. When I get upset with someone I eat. I am also eating quite a lot of bread. When I am tired and feel like comfort food, I would warm some pita bread and eat it plain.
There was a time in my life before children, that when I got upset with someone I would not eat. I wish that I could do that again.
The Starch Solution: Eat the Foods You Love, Regain Your Health, and Lose the Weight for Good!
My emotions and bad habits have prevented me from losing weight. So because I am an emotional eater I have not really lost any weight. I lost 3 kilos (6.6 pounds) and then I lost another 3 kg(6.6 pounds) but I have put on some 3 kg in the last months. It is very frustrating when you see the scale climbing up.
My second problem is that I eat often, and I stay up at night and then I eat even when I am not hungry. The McDougall plan says you need to eat until you are satisfied. .
Yesterday I was recording a video for another post, and when I watched the video I got a freight. I do not look slim like all the testimonials at Dr McDougall site.
So I need to do something drastic.
There is no point on building a website around this type of diet and then not following it.
So here is my challenge. I want to make it that I eat only when I am hungry, and basically I will make 4 meals a day and stick to them. No eating outside those meals. I will do this for 30 days and report back.
The 30 days is to start with. I will then continue the same. routine until I lose at least 13 kilos (28 pounds)
I am proud, last night I went to someone’s house and I did not eat. I sometimes feel I need to eat out of obligation, but I said no.
So here is the 6th of September and I am committing to eating only when I am hungry, and of course follow the McDougall eating plan.
Best of luck to you Andrea. You are not the only one that struggles with her weight, I have done so for my whole life. I have confidence that we can lose the weight and gain perfect health, we are motivated and knew good ways. Little by little we will have success!
You already have convinced me to get the juicer out tomorrow!
Thank you Rose for visiting my site. I know I lose weight when I really want to. When I really want to, I can be 110% strict. But thi sis not a diet. It is a way of eating for life. And I love it. Meals are delicious, easy to prepare, nutritious and healthy.
Juicing is okay occasionally but it is not what plant based doctors recommend. They believe we need the fibre in the fruit and veggies. We also need to chew the food as the digestive process starts in the mouth.
But between a fast food and juicing, I would say go for the juicing. Good luck Rose.