Canisters Sets for the Kitchen
I have not bought them yet, but I will. I used to store everything in plastic containers. But it is like eating a whole food plant based diet, makes you more aware of utensils and things you use in the kitchen.
I am now more aware of not using as much plastic. I still do, but I am trying to minimize it.
I also want canisters to keep my food nice and fresh. Currently, if I do not put the food in containers, I just leave it in a bag, and put an elastic band around it. Or sometimes I close the opening with a peg.
But this still causes problems. When you move the bag, if you are not careful, the food will spill. And then I end up with a mess in my cupboard. And it takes time cleaning it. SO everything takes time.
I rather spend some money in lovely canister sets for the kitchen, which will keep my food fresh and my pantry neat and organized.
I found these ones and what I like is that they have one or two that are large enough to store a substantial amount of grains and legumes.
I also like that some are tall, where you can store spaghetti without a problem.
I also like the idea of being able to see what it is in the container.. of them got glass in some part of container, so you can see what is inside them. You can also use labels, which will make it easier. Here are some lovely labels.

They are all BPA free, and most of them are stackable. So they will not take space.
You can choose the right size for you. You can put them on counter, inside pantry or in fridge.
There is always something to store in a container. I also like that the large ones will allow you to put a one cup scoop in them. So you can easily retrieve your flour , grains or beans.
What I like most about them is that they would keep my food fresh and my kitchen looking nice and tidy.
Oggi 9322 5-Piece Acrylic Canister Set with Airtight Clamp Lids-Food Storage Container