
Dish Rack with Tray

I have a dish rack with tray that I assembled myself. I actually had a dish rack and then got a large tray that fits perfectly under it.
I saw this once when we were staying at someone’s house and I thought it was a clever idea so that the water does not spill all over the kitchen counter. When I came back home I decided to search for it, and I found a large tray, big enough to do the job.

Dish Rack WIth Tray
Dish Rack with Tray

This was several years ago. I did not know you could buy them already made. I was searching in Amazon and saw them, and whenever mine does not work anymore, I would get a new one already assembled.

I must say, my option was quite cheap, though the ones in Amazon are also reasonable in price, and they may match your kitchen decoration.

Once I finish doing the dishes, I let them dry on my drying rack. I usually leave the dishes overnight to dry, (no I do not dry them by hand like my mum did. and she still does). Early in the morning, I put the dishes away. I then was the dish rack, empty the water from the tray, and wash the tray. Then I go onto doing dishes, and the cycle starts all over again.

I had mine for over 9 years and I love that the water does not get to the kitchen counter. Even though I got the stainless still part of the sink with groves for the water to run into the sink, I love that the water does not run, and it is contained in the tray. It is cleaner, but you need to empty the tray once a day. But if you buy one, some of them already come with a draining spout which is ideal to drain the water without accidents.

As said I was searching in Amazon for something else, and I saw these ones. What I like about  these ones is that the tray matches the dish rack. Mine is whatever I found, I did not care about colors. I also like that some of them come with an extendable drip tray and a draining spout.

I am not planning to buy this myself as yet, but if I need to replace mine I will make sure I get one with a draining spout that rotates.
The one I like best is the simplehuman Steel Frame Dish rack with Wine Glass holder. I like it because it is stainless steel, it has wine glass holders and it comes with a spout that rotates 360 degrees. Until I buy it I will continue to drain the water the old way.

I love looking at gadgets, sometimes I do it on Amazon and others at the shops.

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